
Flying Machines

Flying machine is an awesome invention by human beings. It influenced human's lives enormously. The original idea of the flying machine came from Leonardo Da Vinci. The following picture shows his idea of the hellicopter: (The link shows Da VInci's ideas for other flying machines):

Even though we don't know whether he made it real or not, it is still a huge improvement in human's history. Hundreds of years later, the Wright brothers made the imaginery come true. They made the awesome flying machine invention -- airplane.
After that, the world has been totally changed. In these days, people can "fly" to any place in the world within one day.

Now I want to talk about the egg flying machine we are going to make. We plan to make the egg static by putting it into a pyramid which is constructed by straws. Then we will put it in the bottle and use newspaper to protect it around. Moveover, we use newspaper to make two cylinders at the two ends of the plastic bag above the bottle, to slow down the velocity of the whole thing. We will also put four wheels at the bottom so that they will touch the ground first.

I wish our egg will be safe after the trip.

